2 min readJan 30, 2019


Maintaining a sense of beauty in photography

My own ramblings.

I prefer black and white film.

I don’t mind making those irritating mistakes, wrong filter, wrong aperture, wrong paper…the more I fail the more I learn… so the darkroom is my haven to get that magic started and at times I have to remember fresh developer, 20 degrees C and don’t mix up the tongs in the chemicals. Other than that it’s 5.6 on the famous Meopta enlarger lens when exposing my best work.

Being in my small darkroom I seem to work really hard for the effect that drives that special spark. If I can get a print right I will see things in it that pleases my own eyes. Then it’s drying and admiring time- all the quirks, imperfections, details and nuances that make up the print.

Nothing like the satisfaction of doing all this by yourself. I. Am not a fan of digital as it causes me headaches but we need it. (I just use my iphone; it does the job).

‘A poor writer borrows, a great writer steals… ‘ I can’t remember where I heard this phrase but I thought I’d add it in my story. I’m borrowing ideas from a lifetime of experience in art and design. Ideas are everywhere, the inspiration to shoot comes from black and white. shadows that I see every day; and I’m forever working on my creative writing skills.

My name is Inger and I shoot black and white film and develop in the darkroom with a very old enlarger that I’m quite fond of.

I studied fine arts, black and white photography, darkroom printing, and fashion design. But til next time when I have jogged a few more ideas in my head.




Painter and creator of little art pieces. love the Norse ways. NZ. Danish/French